GuyAnnable | Unpublished


Unpublished Opinions

Today Prime Minister Stephen Harper unveiled his low-tax, balanced-budget plan to protect Canada...

October 9, 2015

I have been pondering since the 10 Pm Monday night when the rumor mill swirled about Rusty Riding...

February 6, 2015

Well, I visited the TCPL " roadshow " in North Grenville at the municipal Center today to examine...

November 24, 2014

Dear Chief Bordeleau, I am writing in regards to your recent media interview regarding the $250,...

November 24, 2014

I thought I'd record my last message to voters in Ward 8: College on video so they can hear my...

October 26, 2014

For Immediate Release Ottawa, Oct. 20 - During the 2014 Ottawa municipal election campaign many...

October 22, 2014