Letter to Ottawa Police Chief Charles Bordeleau: Use 'Distracted Driver' funds to cover 'Ottawa Attack' overtime | Unpublished

Unpublished Opinions

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Ottawa, Ontario
About the author

Guy Annable is a long time resident of College ward. He was born and raised in Ottawa and operated a successful wireless communications business in Montreal for over 12 years in the 1990's, receiving 2 awards form the St. Laurent Chamber of Commerce for "Best Retail Business" in the St. Laurent region. After the 1996 Quebec referendum, Guy sold his business to Bell Mobility and moved to Toronto to work with Bell Mobility Baka for 8 years in the same Industry of cellular communications. Guy returned ot Ottawa in 2005 and has been closely involved in municipal and provincial politics. Please visit my website for more information about me and my vision for College Ward.

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Letter to Ottawa Police Chief Charles Bordeleau: Use 'Distracted Driver' funds to cover 'Ottawa Attack' overtime

November 24, 2014

About 10 days after the Nov 11th Remembrance day Ceremony and 1 month to the day after the terrible tradgedy that took Cpl.Nathan Cirillo life on October 22nd,  Chief Charles Bordeleau was quoted in the media complaining about the $250,000 dollars in overtime that was incurred on that day.

This letter is a suggestion about how that money can be recouped in short order.

Dear Chief Bordeleau,

I am writing in regards to your recent media interview regarding the $250,000 in overtime costs that your department incurred as a result of the tragic killing of Cpl.Nathan Cirillo at the War memorial on the morning of October 22nd 2014.

All the Members of the OPS should be commended for their service in this dark day in Ottawa history. In the media interview of Nov 21st 2014, you indicated to various outlets that the "extra costs" of policing for that event was in excess of $250,000.

In the week of November 18th 2014 you also conducted a distracted driving programs that saw OPS netting over $19,000 in one day laying over 96 charges by "regular duty officers on normal duty". With distracted driving becoming the new plague of traffic accidents in this country I commend you for your actions in this regard. I am sure this program is sucessful.

I would like to suggest that a good way to recoup the $250,000, is to continue this program at various covert places in the city for another 16 days. I believe you can recoup the additional $250,000 in overtime that was incurred for the Cirrello shooting event. We know how hard it is to "find savings" at OPS in other areas not related to salaries, since over 80% of your annual $500 million dollar budget goes to staffing costs.

By continuing this program, it not only continues to send the message that OPS is very active in reducing distracted driving and penalizing those who continue to operate a motor vehicle without their full attention, It also helps to solve your one time budgetary deficit for this unfortunate event.

I believe this idea will generate a "win-win for Taxpayers" who do follow the HTA by penalizing those who continue to drive with their devices distracting them, while solving your one time budgetary issue.

Guy Annable
A Concerned Taxpayer