Improving Ottawa's Transit by incorporating existing rail infrastructure into our mass transit plan | Unpublished

Unpublished Opinions

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Ottawa, Ontario
About the author

Guy Annable is a long time resident of College ward. He was born and raised in Ottawa and operated a successful wireless communications business in Montreal for over 12 years in the 1990's, receiving 2 awards form the St. Laurent Chamber of Commerce for "Best Retail Business" in the St. Laurent region. After the 1996 Quebec referendum, Guy sold his business to Bell Mobility and moved to Toronto to work with Bell Mobility Baka for 8 years in the same Industry of cellular communications. Guy returned ot Ottawa in 2005 and has been closely involved in municipal and provincial politics. Please visit my website for more information about me and my vision for College Ward.

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Improving Ottawa's Transit by incorporating existing rail infrastructure into our mass transit plan

October 22, 2014

For Immediate Release

Ottawa, Oct. 20 - During the 2014 Ottawa municipal election campaign many new and not so new ideas have resurfaced as possible solutions to many of the issues facing Ottawa households and businesses.  Transit has been front of the line in many debates. The election period is a great opportunity for debate and discussion on available options for  solving some of Ottawas' transit problems.

Concepts based on new and existing railway infrastructure for transit development are prominent in the platforms of candidates for both mayor and council.    This has also spawned an active discussion within the local Ottawa engineering community. The Community of National Capital Region Engineers and Knowledge Workers will be making a combined presentation to the media  to ADVANCE THE CONVERSATION on this compelling vision that has again been sparked by our democratic debate process in this election period.

On hand for this 20 minute  presentation and subsequent Q and A will be:

  • Mr.Guy Annable, Candidate for Ward 8 College
  • Mr. Joseph Potvin, President, Mobility Ottawa-Outaouais: Systems & Enterprises Inc, DBA (Pending) M.Phil, MCPM,   
  • Mr. John Vanden Bosch,  Retired rail executive Alstrom ABB
  • Mr. Ray Barton , CEO Vitesse Canada, PhD
  • Mr. Bill Pomfret, President, Safety Projects International, PhD, Msc.

The main objective of this press conference is to present our considered rationale that using existing rail infrastructure is fully complementary with the Ottawa Light Rail Transit (OLRT) stages 1 and 2, with the bus system, and with the O-Train which as been a  resounding success.

The concept is to commence regular all-day passenger service serving all primary railway corridors of Ottawa, and beyond, where doing so would significantly reduce the volume of car traffic on our streets and free up mobility in our city. Start-up need be no later than the planned opening of OLRT Stage 1. There is no question that this is technically possible: the required multi-billion dollar railway system including many bridges, is sitting in front of us, demanding only normal maintenance. What our requires is intelligent alignment of public and private sector investors. Can we muster that?

Our shared concept is not disruptive to the OLRT projects, and instead would enhance their success.  We need light rail in the core of the city, and we need to put to work our available railway infrastructure, running high-capacity trains, all linked with bus services, cycling and park'n-ride. Many city buses can then be re-deployed to expand neighbourhood transit service throughout the city.

COME AND HEAR WHAT INDEPENDENT ENGINEERS AND PLANNERS HAVE TO SAY,  and help us advance the dialogue on this innovative and integrative concept at City Hall On Wednesday Morning.

Media interviews and questions will be taken after the presentation at City Hall 110 Laurier West Main Lobby on Wednesday October 22nd where current and former executives that have built major surface rail systems in Montreal and other major cities will be on hand to answer questions and discuss this plan moving forward.  Please  R. S.V.P for interview requests or to book your spot for attending please call Kim Lever, Media Liasion  at 613-294-8440 

Presented By: The Community of National Capital Region Engineers and Knowledge Workers and the aforementioned candidates with a vision for combining new railways with intelligent use of the railway infrastructure we already have.