Like Cancer, the Children's Aid Society can be beaten | Unpublished
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Smiths Falls, Ontario
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Married with Children.

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Like Cancer, the Children's Aid Society can be beaten

November 19, 2016



Meet Sun Wai, University of Guelph graduate. She has a BA in criminal justice and public policy who went on to become another UN-REGISTERED child protection social worker in Ontario.

Families United Ontario.

For educational purposes.

Listen as Sun Wai from the THE KINGSTON MEETING VIDEO, an Ontario child protection social worker with the full support of her supervisor informs the mother she's not going to tell the mother what her concerns are and has made the decision to keep her "concerns" from the mother because knowing what those concerns are would put too much pressure on the mother according to Sun Wai - just before telling the mother the society has filed for a supervision order of her children then refuses to serve the mother. How is that not putting intense pressure on the mother? It's abusive on so many levels.

After repeatedly promising to give, in writing, a list of concerns and the basis for them to the parents - this woman, close to 50 days later, claims that telling the parents her concerns about their children's safety might inadvertently harm their children - but if that's so, isn't preventing them from addressing her concerns (if valid) more likely to harm their children or can Sun Wai's obvious intentions be in the "best interest of the child."

Can the rights of parents be needlessly violated without violating the rights of the child?

Sun Wai informs the mother court papers for a supervision order and a mystery motion had been filed and refuses to serve the papers till 8 days before the first appearance in court and calls the mother uncooperative, after letting her into the home on several occasions - and speak with their children. They refuse to sign consents.

As you know (or not) all responding materials must be served at least four days before the first appearance, leaving them hours to retain a lawyer, prepare their responding materials, make copies, file with the court, serve them to the Kingston CAS and confirm the responding materials have been served with one full work day to do so.

Despite being served late Wednesday night and the courts being closed on Friday for Rememberance Day and having only one working day to gather and prepare our response, we swore in our responding materials and served the CAS as required and filed them the following Monday.


We served Sun Wai with all of our children's past and current medical reports all showing very healthy children who've never suffered an injury, lots of very positive school reports praising the children's good manners and concern for others, teachers notes and report cards all showing the children doing very well in all areas, reports from a large number of other community agencies and service providers we access for our children all showing happy polite well cared for children who are excelling. None of these other agencies have ever had reason to report anything.

According to Judge Harper's 2014 London Middlesex decision the children's aid society has a statutory duty to reassess and amend their position/assessment as new information becomes available.

Sun Wai now has a statutory duty to reassess her position now that she has been served with our affidavits and a mountain of supporting documentation and failing to do so would be acting in bad faith. The very fact we have them all available should demonstrate the high level of involvement we have with our children's care and well being.

Sun Wai wanted the family court judge to order the familiy to sign consent forms claiming failure to sign the consents equals a failure to co-operate with the society regardless that she was let in the family home several times, and to see and speak with their children.


The result in court was, the society withdrew both the application for a supervision order and a motion before the court (what the motion was, we still don't know) and the judge ordered the society to pay the legal costs incurred by the family forth-with after reading a letter sent to the family the night before the first appearence and signed by Sun Wai, explaining the reasons for her failing to give a list of her concerns and the basis for them to the family as being a part of the Ontario children's aid society's anti-oppressive policy to avoid causing families the undue stress of knowing what they've been accused of doing wrong.

The real problems with child protection in Ontario is, it isn't about what's ethical, moral or in the best interest of the child, and it's not about the standards, or legislation, or the bureaucracy - it's about ethics and application and it's about what the government lets the children's aid society get away with behind closed doors.. If your going to fix what's wrong with child protection - start at the beginning.. It's past time to blow up the CAS.

Read the 2014 Ontario's Pediatric Death Review Commission or watch the music video linked below.

Do you know many children in Ontario Child Care that died in care died of mysterious causes between 2008 and 2012 -

See: The 2014 Ontario PDRC Report.  Music Video.

The Canadian justice system guarantees everyone due process under the law with one exception in practice - Child and Family Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.11.

If anything you've just heard disturbs you let Sun Wai know what you think. Phone: 1-613-545-3227 Ext. 3396

Related article: Parents thank Smiths Falls police after missing son found safe..

(A PDF of the reasons given for the denial for information by the Smiths Falls police is now located at the bottom of the article.)

Read the newspaper version here ->