LIVE @ 8PM ET: UnpublishedTV - Promising Vaccines
Tonight's Panel:
- Ian Culbert, Executive Director Canadian Public Health Agency
- Elise Legault, Policy and Advocacy Manager ONE
- Dr.Jason Nickerson, Humanitarian Affairs Advisor Doctors Without Borders
The world has watched and waited for a COVID-19 vaccine. Could it be here by the end of the year?
Three vaccines are now showing potential - and Canada pre-ordered 20 million of Pfizers. This vaccine requires two shots, so 20 million doses only covers 10 million people. Earlier this year on the Unpublished Cafe, we asked the question: How long did you think it would take to have a safe and effective vaccine? Overwhelmingly, our viewers estimated it would be longer than 12 months.
A vaccine would shift the pandemic on its ear putting us back to as close to normal as we were before COVID. If the Pfizer vaccine is safe and effective according to Health Canada, how soon do you feel it will be available to the public?
Find out TONIGHT on UnpublishedTV-- Be part of the discussion on Facebook, and on Youtube
If you haven't voted in our poll yet, head over to Unpublished.Vote to cast your vote, and then e-mail your MP to tell them what you think.

Our Unpublished vote poll question...
If the Pfizer vaccine is safe and effective according to Health Canada, how soon do you feel it will be available to the public?
The results so far:
3 months =
6 months =
12 months =
Longer then 12 months =
Undecided =
If you haven’t voted yet, you can do so — VOTE HERE