COVID-19: UTV Launches with reflections on the last 4 months | Unpublished
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July 9, 2020

COVID-19: UTV Launches with reflections on the last 4 months

The Covid 19 pandemic has turned our world upside down. Lockdowns, restrictions and billions of dollars in spending by all levels of government to keep the economy in motion, although we are in a recession according to the CD Howe Institute. We are staring at a deep financial hole we will have to climb out. 
The pandemic has exposed some serious short comings of long term care in Canada. While it is a provincial jurisdiction, it seems there is a chorus of voices that would like to see the federal government assume responsibility for it.  While long term care was such a hot spot of infection, one of the problems with the pandemic was testing. Initially there weren’t enough, then it took way to long to get results.
We are seeing some restrictions lifted and businesses opening their doors, people are getting out and about more, a second wave will become reality. Since the pandemic began, Parliament suspended regular House sittings, because there was no opportunity for social distancing. It continues today and that has some Canadians wanting to see their politicians back to work. As we open up more, people will be heading back to work -essential workers have been continuing to work, but for those who were locked down, it will be a new normal in the workplace.
Coming up on our next show, we will be discussing the mandatory face mask and why there is resistence to wear it. We hope to hear from you all next Monday at 8pm eastern time!
From everyone at Unpublished Media - stay safe!