Unpublished.Cafe: Canada's Political Parties Debate Climate Change
Will this be the federal election in Canada that sees the environment take center stage?
Last fall, a dire warning for the world from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The aim now is to keep any temperature increase below 1.5 degrees, and predicting a massive $54 trillion impact on world economies according to Moody’s.
On the Unpublished Cafe today we will provide you with the policy stances from all 4 major federal parties. Recapping points made from Jo-Anne Roberts, deputy leader of the Green Party of Canada, as well as NDP ethics critic Alexander Boulerice. You will also be hearing from Conservative Party environment critic, Ed Fast, and Liberal Cabinet Minister for the environment and climate change, Catherine Mckenna.
Having heard each of the party's stance on how they think Canada should best deal with climate change, we want you to have your say. Which Party's climate change plan do you like the most? Head over to Unpublished.Vote to cast your vote.
Chect out the first two parts of the series on climate change here;
Part 2

Our Unpublished vote poll question...
Which party's climate change plan do you like best?
The results so far:
Conservative Party = 0.0%
New Democratic Party = 0.0%
Green Party = 0.0%
Liberal Party = 0.0%
If you haven’t voted yet, you can do so — VOTE HERE
Green Party of Canada
NDP Environment Critique