Voting line-ups at closing time | Unpublished

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Ottawa, Ontario
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Voting line-ups at closing time

October 18, 2015

I was concerned about media reports of the long line-ups at advanced polls caused by unexpected high voter turn-out and new id requirements causing delays.  I wanted to know that all who come to vote before the poll closing deadline will be able to do so. 

URGENT: Please share! Election Canada policy for long lineups outside polling stations is to ensure all those who have been waiting prior to the closing time when doors are locked will be able to vote. This is to be done by having the polling supervisor go outside at closing time and stand at the end of the line. Everyone ahead in the line will be able to vote. Those who come later will not.

Not all polling supervisors understand this, and on Friday I drew this to the attention of Elections Canada. They assured me that an e-mail will be sent to all the supervisors clarifying this. I have asked CBC News to inform the public of this policy to avert civil disturbance when polling stations lock their doors (and to ensure it is carried out!) However there has been no response from CBC, so I'm posting this information online.