Solar Energy. A Local Brewery Tour. The Perfect Summer Combo! | Unpublished

Unpublished Opinions

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Ottawa, Ontario
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OREC exists to empower Ottawa residents to support the growth of the local renewable energy sector through responsible long-term investments that finance projects together as members of a democratic co-operative.

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Solar Energy. A Local Brewery Tour. The Perfect Summer Combo!

August 3, 2015


OREC members and supporters will have a unique opportunity to visit one of Ottawa’s most popular craft brewing outlets August 5 when the Kichesippi Beer Co. opens its doors for an evening tour.
“This will be a great evening for everyone who attends,” said OREC President Dick Bakker. “Kichesippi Beer has been a fantastic partner to OREC, and I can’t think of a better way to learn about local renewable energy while enjoying a visit to an iconic craft brewery.”
Just like OREC, Kichesippi Beer is all about the local experience. “When someone wants to try your local beer, they want to experience something that is unique to the community. We’re proud to say that our beer has been craft brewed in Ottawa right from the first batch and we plan to keep it that way,” the company states on its website.
“When it comes down to it, we love being part of the local experience.”
The tour runs from 7 to 9 PM at 866 Campbell Ave. Visit the OREC website to sign up.

OREC Webinars: Get Your Questions Answered

OREC is raising $1.7 million by October 31 to complete funding for our six newest solar energy projects across Ottawa. With this security offering, you get more flexibility than ever before to invest in the way that best fits your interests and budget.

  • As usual, you can buy preference shares that pay back principal and dividends over a 20-year period. Minimum investment is $2,500, or $5,000 if you use your RRSPs.
  • For the first time, you can take out a five-year member investment note. It pays back interest and principal in five years, with a 3% rate of return.

View our 12-minute video to get the basic information on the share offering. Or attend one of our 40-minute webinars to get your specific questions answered. The next webinars in the series take place:

  • August 12, noon
  • August 26, 4 PM
  • September 9, 8 PM

Sign up for a webinar today!

OREC Hosts Brown Bag Lunch at The HUB August 6

The HUB is a unique co-working space in the heart of downtown Ottawa. And on August 6 between 12:00 noon and 1:00 PM, it’ll be at the heart of the discussion around clean, renewable energy development in Ottawa.
That’s when Communications Advisor Mitchell Beer will be delivering a Brown Bag Lunch presentation on OREC’s latest securities offering.
Registration is optional, but please drop by The HUB at 71 Bank St., 6th Floor to share your own experience with OREC and your knowledge of local renewable energy development. The HUB is a way for coworkers to share their ideas, innovate together, and rebuild the economy, just as OREC is a way for the community to take control of its energy needs. So we’re looking forward to some fantastic questions and discussion on August 6.

360-Kilowatt Solar Project at Hovey Industries is OREC’s Largest Yet

OREC flipped the switch July 2 on a 360-kilowatt rooftop solar system at Hovey Industries in Gloucester South, the largest project the co-op has installed yet.
“We saw that our roof space could be put to good use,” said Hovey Industries President Marco Campagna. “Innovation and supporting local business is part of our company philosophy.”
“OREC works best when it works with great partners,” said President Dick Bakker. “The system at Hovey is a perfect example of a local business helping the community take charge of its energy future.”
Hovey Industries “has a history of leading the curve with a specialization in engineering and design services,” states OREC’s project profile. “They have a reputation for innovative development and manufacturing of quality precision sheet metal products and railway snow clearing devices.”
The project cost just over $1 million and is expected to generate nearly 450,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity, worth $144,000 per year, over the next two decades.

Help Us Tell the OREC Story

We’ve seen it time and again: Word of mouth is the best way to spread the word about OREC.
The co-op has a great story to tell.
And for your own circle of friends, family, colleagues, and neighbours, you are the most credible person to tell it.
Here’s how you can help this summer and fall:

  • At home: Invite your friends, neighbours, or family to a short gathering in your home. An OREC coffee party is a great way to share the good news about solar energy investment in Ottawa, and we’re here to make it easy for you to host. We’ll bring the speaker, the literature, and the refreshments. All you have to do is invite the group, then sit back and enjoy an interesting evening of discussion.
  • At work: You probably work with people who share your interest in clean energy, or would be interested in learning about co-operative business development in Ottawa. We’ve got our Lunch & Learn down to a 45-minute format—just enough time to introduce OREC, answer questions, and help people learn about this year’s share offering.

To find out more about our coffee parties and Lunch & Learns, or to coordinate calendars, contact Communications Advisor Mitchell Beer at 613-889-5960 or

Free Video for New Members/InvestorsPowerful: Energy Security for Everyone

OREC member and filmmaker, David Chernushenko, is offering a copy of his documentary, Powerful, to all new OREC members while supplies last. Drop by our office at 969 Wellington Street West to pick up your copy.