Sign's 'Vote Together' Pledge | Unpublished

Unpublished Opinions

Qais Ghanem's picture
Ottawa, Ontario
About the author

Dr Qais Ghanem is a retired neurologist, radio show host, poet and author. His novels are Final Flight From Sana’a and Two Boys from Aden College. His 3rd novel, "Forbidden Love in the Land of Sheba", was just released. Previously published books include "My Arab Spring My Canada" ( and the combined English/Arabic poetry book "From Left to Right".

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Sign's 'Vote Together' Pledge

July 9, 2015

October 19 could be a turning point for Canada.

A clear majority of people want change, but the Harper Conservatives could win again if the vote splits like it did in the last election.

The Vote Together campaign is about bringing people together - people who have voted NDP, Liberal, and Green, first-time voters, and even some unhappy Conservative voters - to pick the best local candidate who can defeat the Conservatives in their riding and move Canada forward. 

Throughout nearly a decade in power, the Harper Conservatives have gutted environmental protections, sabotaged Canadian institutions and shaken the very foundations of our democracy.

We want to elect a government that reflects the priorities and values of the majority, with representatives who will work together for a strong democracy, a fair economy, and a clean environment.

So who is the best local candidate who can win in your riding? You'll decide. We'll send you information about the state of the race, and candidate positions on key issues.

In the ridings where the Vote Together campaign is strongest, everyone who has pledged to Vote Together will collectively pick a candidate to recommend to the rest of the Leadnow community, and then we'll vote together on election day.

Will you join us? 

Sign now at: