Pinocchio vs Pocahontas: A fan letter to Elizabeth Warren | Unpublished

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Ottawa, Ontario
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Richard has been a Counsellor-Mediator-Hypnotherapist in Ottawa for over 30 years.  His favorite slogan is:  "Listening well is the most eloquent sign of caring."

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Pinocchio vs Pocahontas: A fan letter to Elizabeth Warren

February 19, 2019
Dear Elizabeth,
I am an ardent financial supporter of your whole political career.

I am also part indigenous myself.  My ancestors are from the coastal Maine tribes.  I grew up in Roxbury, Massachusetts, in the Grove Hall ghetto, where all the racial riots/destruction happened 50 years ago!!

Here is my suggestion.  Whenever Trump calls you "Pocahontas" you call him PINOCCHIO with the big long lying nose.  We could make up and float giant balloons of Trump as Pinocchio with his name TM on the long nose right across the country and along the Mexican border!!   
Richard Merrill Haney, Ph.D