O'Grady family history | Unpublished

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Ottawa, Ontario
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I am the founder of Unpublished Media Inc., a company I started in 2012. I am also a communications professional and community activist, living in Nepean, Ontario. And, I am a hockey goaltender, political hack and most importantly, an advocate for grassroots, participatory democracy at all levels of government.

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O'Grady family history

September 9, 2013

I had the chance this weekend to share my family's history with my cousin's youngest child, a 12-year old entering Grade 7 and who will be studying Canadian history for the first time this year.

Having re-read my family history this morning, I thought I would do a shout-out to all Grade 7 students, and anyone who is interested in history, to start by digging into the history of your own family, because as you can see from mine, there's a lot more to it than you might imagine!

Cormac Cas was King of Thomond around the fifth century and he spawned a tribal grouping known as the Dál gCais or Dalcassians which dominated Munster until the final suppression of the old Gaelic order in the seventeenth century. Twenty-three generations later and in direct descent from Cas we find Gradhach (also called Bradach), meaning "illustrious", from whom the name O'Grádhaigh (descendant of Gradach) is derived. This Irish name would later be anglicised as O'Grady.

The O'Grady sept originated in Co. Clare though the seat and territory of the Chief of the Name has for several centuries been at Killballyowen, Co. Limerick. The present holder of that dignity (i.e. in popular parlance "The O'Grady") is one of the very few the authenticity of whose claim to chieftainship is officially recognized by the Chief Herald and the Genealogical Office in Ireland. The name in Irish is O Grádaigh or more shortly O Gráda, so that the anglicized form approximates closely to the original. Keating's History gives O'Grada or O'Grady, as chief of Kinel Donghuile, a large territory comprising the present barony of Lower Tullagh in Clare. The O'Gradys are thus designated by O'Heerin, and several chiefs of the name are mentioned in our annals: "O'Grada took the entire lands of the profitable Kinel Dongali, His swords yellow hafted are keen, Strong are the blows of his forces in battle".

The O Gradys are an ancient aristocratic family, kinsmen of their neighbours the O Briens of Thomond in Limerick. The original O Grady stronghold was Inis Cealtra (Holy Island) on Lough Derg. The tower of a ruined O Grady castle can still be seen in their former territory in Cineal-Donghaile near Tuamgraney, County Clare, where the O Briens granted them a generous acreage of land. A little further north, near Scarriff, there is a Lough O Grady.

The O Gradys were prominent churchmen and filled high ecclesiastical office, including the bishopries of Cashel, Tuam and Killaloe. Towards the close of the thirteenth century they were at war with their "cousins" and former allies, the O Briens, who drove them from Clare to Limerick. Hugh O Grady acquired the lands of Kilballyowen when, in 1309, he married the daughter of the chief of the O Kerwick or Kirby clan. Killballyowen, near Bruff, County Limerick, has been in the O Grady family ever since. It is close to Lough Gur, a small lake around which there is a rich concentration of ancient monuments, including stone circles, forts, dolmens and other megalithic remains. The O Gradys multiplied and formed new septs at Cappercullen, Elton Grange, Lodge, Cahir and Mount Prospect, and many other Munster holdings.

 In 1543, Donagh O Grady, styled Captain of his Nation, was knighted by Henry Vill, who also granted him titles to secure his land. To win favour with the king, some O Gradys changed their Gaelic name to the innocuous-sounding Brady (though this is also a well known and quite unrelated name also). Sir Donagh's son, who called himself Hugh Brady, was the first Protestant Bishop of Meath. His descendants are the Bradys of Paheen in County Clare. Sir Donagh's other son, John, was the forebear of the O Gradys of Kilballyowen, who have long since reverted to their original name.

On the estate of the O Gradys who settled at Cappercullen, there was a tree-lined avenue. One particular tree was known as the Ilchester Oak, because it was here that the beautiful Miss O Grady was said to meet her lover, Lord Stavordale, whom she had first met at a Limerick ball. He was the son of the Earl of Ilchester, but her father was poor and too proud to approve of their courtship. Ilchester approved however, and persuaded her father to give his blessing.

The Benedictine priory of Glenstal, one of Ireland's leading boys' schools, is on the former O Grady estate.

Standish is a traditional O Grady first name. It expresses their gratitude to a good neighbour during the worst of the penal times in the seventeenth century, when Darby O Grady, son of Donogh O Grady, got into serious trouble with the authorities on account of his religion. He pretended to be a Protestant but was caught innumerable times attending mass. Finally, he was caught once too often and his lands were confiscated. In nearby Bruff lived Sir Thomas Standish, who had an only daughter, Faith. As if by divine intervention, Darby fell in love with Faith, married her and had his lands restored.

For several generations religion was a thorny issue in the family. When John O Grady married Mary Elizabeth de Courcy in 1751, he promised her solemnly that he would change to her religion. However, on his deathbed he called for the priest. Mary barred the way, but the priest pushed her aside and John died, the last Kilballyowen Catholic.

Standish O Grady (1766-1844), born at Mount Prospect, County Limerick, graduated in law from Trinity College, Dublin. He became Attorney-General and it was he who prosecuted at the trial of the patriot, Robert Emmet. For many years he was Chief Baron of the Exchequer of Ireland. In 1831 he was created Viscount Guillamore and Baron O Grady, both in County Limerick. The title is now extinct.

His nephew, Standish Hayes O Grady (1830-1915), was the son of Admiral Hayes O Grady (died 1864). He was born at Castleconnell, County Limerick, and went from fosterage in an Irish-speaking family to Rugby School in England and Trinity College, Dublin. There he divided his studies between engineering and copying ancient Irish manuscripts under the guidance of John O Donovan and the Clare scholar, Eugene O Curry. In about 1857, he went to the United States of America, where, for thirty years, he worked as a civil engineer. He retired home to spend the rest of his long life working on ancient Irish manuscripts. He made a valuable compilation of old folk tales, Silva Gadelica, but his principal work, Catalogue of the Irish Manuscripts in the British Museum, was delayed because of difficulties with his publishers. It was completed by another scholar, Robin Flower.

Tom O Grady, a cousin of the scholarly Standish, had served abroad in the British army and was a poet with a wicked sense of humour. He was known as Spectacles O Grady. He said of Standish that he "sent his children to church [Protestant] thro fear of his wife and went to Mass himself for fear of the devil". He satirized a Limerick banker in a notorious poem, "Nosegay". The repercussions led to Spectacles O Grady exiling himself to France rather than pay £500 damages and 6d costs in a £20,000 libel suit.

Standish James O Grady (1846-1928), a cousin of Spectacles O Grady, was born at Castletown Berehaven, where his father, Viscount Guillamore, was Church of Ireland rector. He was educated locally and followed the family tradition, studying law at Trinity College, Dublin. He too, like his scholarly namesake, was fascinated by the ancient Irish tales which, at that time, had not had the benefit of much research. Drawing on the rich vein of Celtic mythology and heroic incidents from Irish history, he wrote a stream of novels and children's books including Red Hugh's Captivity, Fin and His Companions, The Chieftain's Last Rally, The Coming of Cuchulain and The Flight of the Eagle. He influenced the younger generation, imbuing many of them with a strong sense of nationalism.

There are so many Standish O Gradys that it is understandable that, when Standish O Grady the engineer and scholar died in 1915, some of the obituaries in the English newspapers confused him with the living, romantic writer, Standish James O Grady. This family, who were Viscounts of Guillamore, a junior line, are commemorated in the church of St John of Knockaney, County Limerick, by a series of stained glass windows.

It was a family tradition to join the army, and many O Gradys had fine service careers. There was an O Grady admiral and naval commander. Lieutenant-Colonel Gerald Vigors de Courcy O Grady, who died in 1993, served in India and in Burma in the Second World War and was awarded a Military Cross. His wife, Molly, was from Maryland, USA. Their son Brian de Courcy, became "The O Grady" of Kilballyowen.

The O Grady mansion is no more. It was dilapidated and impossibly expensive to repair and maintain. It was quietly "put down" and replaced with a modern house nearby. The O Gradys have meticulously preserved the invaluable historic family archives. The late O Grady named his daughter Faith Standish O Grady, and their coat of arms and the 1632 deed guaranteeing their land through the original Standish is still in their possession. Callers often come from abroad seeking family roots, not all of them authentic O Gradys!

Henry Woodfin O Grady's antecedents were Irish. He was born in 1850 near Atlanta, Georgia, and his father, a colonel in the Highland Guards, was killed during the American Civil War. Henry O Grady graduated in law from the University of Virginia. Prevented from exposing corruption in local politics by the newspaper on which he worked, he left it and bought up all the other newspapers, hoping to use them as a weapon to clean up politics. Nobody bought O Grady's newspapers, however, and he lost all his money. In New York his journalism found a more appreciative audience and he was employed by the New York Herald. His reporting did much to alleviate the misery that followed the Civil War. He achieved great popularity as an orator on the subject of negro rights. He died at the early age of 39.

Australia also lays claim to yet another O Grady writer, Frank O Grady. Born in 1909 in Sydney, he has been a vice-president of the Royal Australian Historical Society and has published many novels.

Even Rudyard Kipling knew of the O Gradys. He wrote: "For Rosie O Grady and the Colonel's lady, are sisters under the skin". Generations of schoolchildren doing physical training have been ordered "O Grady says knees bend. O Grady says feet apart. O Grady says quick march", and so on. It can only be supposed that the original O Grady instructor was of the numerous O Gradys who served abroad with the army.

An O Grady who emigrated from Clare a century ago married a black American woman. They kept the Irish name proudly in their family and his great-grandson is Cassius O Grady Clay, or Muhammad Ali!

If we examine the distribution of the name in modern times we find that, combining the separate returns for O'Grady and Grady (which are of course the same name), the total is not inconsiderable amounting to some four thousand all told. The majority of these hail from Co. Clare as might be expected. This is followed by Mayo which is of interest because it has been stated, on what authority I cannot say, that there was a distinct O'Grady sept originating in Mayo - more probably it was an offshoot of the Dalcassian stock. Many of the Gradys of Mayo and Roscommon are Greadys - Mag Riada in Irish, corrupted in the spoken language to O Griada. In Co. Tipperary Grady is often Gready in disguise, the Irish form there being O Greada. This, no doubt, is the original of the names Gredy and Graddy which were regarded as numerous in the barony of Middlethird (Co. Tipperary) in 1659. There is a constant tendency for uncommon names to be assimilated to better known ones of a similar sound: thus Gready tends to become Grady, as does Graddy in Kerry.


O'Grady (Ireland - sept arms) Arms: Per pale Gules and Sable three lions passant per pale Argent and Or. Crest: A horse's head erased Argent. Motto: vulneratus non victus.

O'Grady (Viscount Guillamore, Standish O'Grady) Arms: Per pale Gules and Sable three lions passant guardant per pale Argent and Or, the centre lion charged on the side with a portcullis Azure. Crest: A horse's head erased Argent charged with a portcullis Azure. Motto: vulneratus non victus.

Ancient Genealogy of O'Grady according to O'Hart.

36. Milesius, supposed number thirty six in descent from Adam, was born in Spain, then a Celtic stronghold. In his youth and in his father's life-time, went into Scythia, where he was kindly received by the king of that country, who gave him his daughter in marriage, and appointed him General of his forces. In this capacity Milesius defeated the king's enemies, gained much fame, and the love of all the king's subjects. His growing greatness and popularity excited against him the jealousy of the king; who, fearing the worst, resolved on privately dispatching Milesius our of the way, for, openly, he dare not attempt it. Admonished of the king's intentions in his regard, Milesius slew him; and thereupon quitted Scythia and retired into Egypt with a fleet of sixty sail. Pharaoh Nectonibus, then king of Egypt, being informed of his arrival and of his great valour, wisdom, and conduct in arms, made him General of all his forces against the king of Ethiopia then invading his country. Here, as in Scythia, Milesius was victorious; he forced the enemy to submit to the conqueror's own terms of peace. By these exploits Milesius found great favour with Pharaoh, who gave him, being then a widower, his daughter Scota in marriage; and kept him eight years afterwards in Egypt. During the sojourn of Milesius in Egypt, he employed the most ingenious and able persons among his people to be instructed in the several trades, arts, and sciences used in Egypt; in order to have them taught to the rest of his people on his return to Spain. [The original name of Milesius of Spain was "Galamh" (gall: Irish, a stranger; amh, a negative affix), which means, no stranger: meaning that he was no stranger in Egypt, where he was called "Milethea Spaine," which was afterwards contracted to "Miló Spaine" (meaning the Spanish Hero), and finally to "Milesiius" (mileadh: Irish, a hero; Lat. miles, a soldier).] At length Milesius took leave of his father-in-law, and steered towards Spain; where he arrived to the great joy and comfort of his people; who were much harassed by the rebellion of the natives and by the intrusion of other foreign nations that forced in after his father's death, and during his own long absence from Spain. With these and those he often met; and, in fifty-four battles, victoriously fought, he routed, destroyed, and totally extirpated them out of the country, which he settled in peace and quietness. In his reign a great dearth and famine occurred in Spain, of twenty-six years' continuance, occasioned, as well by reason of the former troubles which hindered the people from cultivating, and manuring the ground, as for want of rain to moisten the earth - but Milesius superstitiously believed the famine to have fallen upon him and his people as a judgment and punishment from their gods, for their negligence in seeking out the country destined for their final abode, so long before foretold by Cachear their Druid or magician, as already mentioned - the time limited by the prophecy for the accomplishment thereof being now nearly, if not fully, expired. To expiate his fault and to comply with the will of his gods, Milesius, with the general approbation of his people, sent his uncle Ithe, with his son Lughaidh [Luy], and one hundred and fifty stout men to bring them an account of those western islands; who, accordingly, arriving at the island since then called Ireland, and landing in that part of it now called Munster, left his son with fifty of his men to guard the ship, and with the rest travelled about the island. Informed, among other things, that the three sons of Cearmad, called Mac-Cuill, MacCeacht, and MacGreine, did then and for thirty years before rule and govern the island, each for one year, in his turn; and that the country was called after the names of their three queens - Eire, Fodhla, and Banbha, respectively: one year called "Eire," the next "Fodhla," and the next "Banbha," as their husbands reigned in their regular turns; by which names the island is ever since indifferently called, but most commonly "Eire," because that MacCuill, the husband of Eire, ruled and governed the country in his turn the year that the Clan-na-Milé (or the sons of Milesius) arrived in and conquered Ireland. And being further informed that the three brothers were then at their palace at Aileach Neid, in the north part of the country, engaged in the settlement of some disputes concerning their family jewels, Ithe directed his course thither; sending orders to his son to sail about with his ship and the rest of his men, and meet him there. When Ithe arrived where the (Danann) brothers were, be was honourably received and entertained by them; and, finding him to be a mail of great wisdom. and knowledge, they referred their disputes to him for decision. That decision having met their entire satisfaction, Ithe exhorted them to mutual love, peace, and forbearance; adding much in praise of their delightful, pleasant, and fruitful country; and then took his leave, to return to his ship, and go back to Spain. No sooner was he gone than the brothers; began to reflect on the high commendations which Ithe gave of the Island; and, suspecting his design of bringing others to invade it, resolved to prevent them, and therefore pursued him with a strong party, overtook him, fought and routed his men and wounded himself to death (before his son or the rest of his men left on ship-board could come to his rescue) at a place called, from that fight and his name, Magh Ithe or "The plain of Ithe" (an extensive plain in the barony of Raphoe, county Donegal); whence his son, having found him in that condition, brought his dead and mangled body back into Spain, and there exposed it to public view, thereby to excite his friends and relations to avenge his murder. [Note: that all the invaders and planters of Ireland, namely, Parthalonians, Neimhedh, the Firbolgs, Tuatha-de-Danann, and Clan-na-Milé, where originally Scythians, of the line of Japbet, who had the language called Bearla-Tobbai or Gaoidhilg [Gaelic] common amongst them all; and consequently not to be wondered at, that Ithe and the Tuatha-de-Danann understood one another without an Interpreter - both speaking the same language, though perhaps with some difference in the accent]. The exposing of the dead body of Ithe had the desired effect; for, thereupon, Milesius made great preparations in order to invade Ireland - as well to avenge his uncle's death, as also in obedience to the will of his gods, signified by the prophecy of Cachear, aforesaid. But, before he could effect that object, he died, leaving the care, and charge of that expedition upon his eight legitimate sons by his two wives before mentioned. Milesius was a very valiant champion, a great warrior, and fortunate and prosperous in all his undertakings: witness his name of "Milesius," given him from the many battles (some say a thousand, which the word "Milé" signifies in Irish as well as in Latin) which he victoriously fought and won, as well in Spain, as in all the other countries and kingdoms be traversed in his younger days. The eight brothers were neither forgetful nor negligent in the execution of their father's command; but, soon after his death, with a numerous fleet well manned and equipped, set forth from Breoghan's Tower or Brigantia (now Corunna) in Galicia, in Spain, and sailed prosperously to the coasts of Ireland or lnis-Fail, where they met many difficulties and various chances before they could land: occasioned by the diabolical arts, sorceries, and enchantments used by the Tuatha-de-Danann, to obstruct their landing; for, by their magic art, they enchanted the island so as to appear to the Milesians or Clan-na-Milé in the form of a Hog, and no way to come at it (whence the island, among the many other names it had before, was called "Muc-Inis or "The Hog Island"); and withal raised so great a storm, that the Milesian fleet was thereby totally dispersed and many of them cast away, wherein five of the eight brothers, sons of Milesius, lost their lives. That part of the fleet commanded by Heber, Heremon, and Amergin (the three surviving, brothers), and Heber Donn, son of Ir (one of the brothers lost in the storm), overcame all opposition, landed safe, fought and routed the three Tuatha-de Danann Kings at Slieve-Mis, and thence pursued and overtook them at Tailten, where another bloody battle was fought; wherein the three (Tuatha-de-Danann) Kings and their Queens were slain, and their army utterly routed and destroyed: so that they could never after give any opposition to the Clan-na-Milé in their new conquest; who, having thus sufficiently avenged the death of their great uncle Ithe, gained the possession of the country foretold them by Cachear, some ages past, as already mentioned. Heber and Heremon, the chief leading men remaining of the eight brothers, sons of Milesius aforesaid, divided the kingdom between them (allotting a proportion of land to their brother Amergin, who was their Arch-priest, Druid, or magician; and to their nephew Heber Donn, and to the rest of their chief commanders), and became jointly the first of one hundred and eighty-three Kings or sole Monarchs of the Gaelic, Milesian, or Scottish Race, that ruled and governed Ireland, successively, for two thousand eight hundred and eighty-five years from the first year of their reign), Anno Mundi three thousand five hundred, to their submission to the Crown of England in the person of King Henry the Second; who, being also of the Milesian Race by Maude, his mother, was lineally descended from Fergus Mór MacEarca, first King of Scotland, who was descended from the said Heremon - so that the succession may be truly said to continue in the Milesian Blood from before Christ one thousand six hundred and ninety-nine years down to the present time. Heber and Heremon reigned jointly one year only, when, upon a difference between their ambitious wives, they quarrelled and fought a battle at Ardeath or Geshill (Geashill, near Tullamore in the King's County), where Heber was slain by Heremon; and, soon after, Amergin, who claimed an equal share in the government, was, in another battle fought between them, likewise slain by Heremon. Thus, Heremon became sole Monarch, and made a new division of the land amongst his comrades and friends, viz.: the south part, now called Munster, he gave to his brother Heber's four sons, Er, Orba, Feron, and Fergna; the north part, now Ulster, he gave to Ir's only son Heber Donn; the east part or Coigeadh, Galian, now called Leinster, be gave to Criomthann-sciath-bheil, one of his commanders; and the west part, now called Connaught, Heremon gave to Un-Mac-Oigge, another of his commanders; allotting a part of Munster to Lughaidh (the son of Ithe, the first Milesian discoverer of Ireland), amongst his brother Heber's sons. From these three brothers, Heber, Ir, and Heremon (Amergin dying without issue), are descended all the Milesian Irish of Ireland and Scotland, viz.: from Heber, the eldest brother, the provincial Kings of Munster (of whom thirty-eight were sole Monarchs of Ireland), and most of the nobility and gentry of Munster, and many noble families in Scotland, are descended. From Ir, the second brother, all the provincial Kings of Ulster (of whom twenty-six were sole Monarchs of Ireland), and all the ancient nobility and gentry of Ulster, and many noble families in Leinster, Munster, and Connaught, derive their pedigrees; and, in Scotland, the Clan-na-Rory - the descendants of an eminent man, named Ruadhri or Roderick, who was Monarch of Ireland for seventy years (viz., from Before Christ 288 to 218). From Heremon, the youngest of the three brothers, were descended one hundred and fourteen sole Monarchs of Ireland: the provincial Kings and Hermonian nobility and gentry of Leinster, Connaught, Meath, Orgiall, Tirowen, Tirconnell, and Clan-na-boy; the Kings of Dalriada; all the Kings of Scotland from Fergus Mór MacEarea, down to the Stuarts; and the Kings and Queens of England from Henry the Second down to tile present time. The issue of Ithe is not accounted among the Milesian Irish or Clan-na-Milé, as not being descended from Milesius, but from his uncle Ithe; of whose posterity there were also some Monarchs of Ireland (see Roll of the Irish Monarchs, infra), and many provincial or half provincial Kings of Munster: that country upon its first division being allocated to the sons of Heber and to Lughaidh, son of Ithe, whose posterity continued there accordingly. This invasion, conquest, or plantation of Ireland by the Milesian or Scottish Nation took place in the Year of the World three thousand Ova hundred, or the next year after Solomon began the foundation of the Temple of Jerusalem, and one thousand six hundred and ninety-nine years before the Nativity of our Saviour Jesus Christ; which, according to the Irish computation of Time, occurred Anno Mundi five thousand one hundred and ninety-nine: therein agreeing with the Septuagint, Roman Martyrologies, Eusebius, Orosius, and other ancient authors; which computation the ancient Irish chroniclers exactly observed in their Books of the Reigns of the Monarchs of Ireland, and other Antiquities of that Kingdom ; out of which the Roll of the Monarchs of Ireland, from the beginning of the Milesian Monarchy to their submission to King Henry the Second of England, a Prince of their own Blood, is exactly collected. [As the Milesian invasion of Ireland took place the next year after the laying of the foundation of the Temple of Jerusalem by Solomon, King of Israel, we may infer that Solomon was contemporary with Milesius of Spain; and that the Pharaoh King of Egypt, who (1 Kings iii. 1,) gave his daughter in marriage to Solomon, was the Pharaoh who conferred on Milesius of Spain the hand of another daughter Scota.] Milesius of Spain bore three Lions in his shield and standard, for the following reasons; namely, that, in his travels in his younger days into foreign countries, passing through Africa, he, by his cunning and valour, killed in one morning three Lions; and that, in memory of so noble and valiant an exploit, he always after bore three Lions on his shield, which his two surviving sons Heber and Heremon, and his grandson Heber Donn, son of Ir, after their conquest of Ireland, divided amongst them, as well as they did the country: each of them. bearing a Lion in his shield and banner, but of different colours; which the Chiefs of their posterity continue to this day: some with additions and differences; others plain and entire as they had it from their ancestors.

37. Heber Fionn. This Heber Fionn was the first Milesian Monarch of Ireland, conjointly with his brother Heremon. Heber was slain by Heremon, Before Christ, 1698.

38. Conmaol: his son; was the twelfth Monarch.

39. Eochaidh Faobhar Glas: his son; the 17th Monarch.

40. Eanna Airgthach: his son; was the 21st Monarch; and the first who caused silver shields to be made.

41. Glas: his son.

42. Ros: his son.

43. Rotheacta: his son.

44. Fearard: his son.

45. Cas: his son,

46. Munmoin: his son; was the 25th Monarch; and the first who ordained his Nobles to wear gold chains about their necks.

47. Fualdergoid: his son; was the 26th Monarch; and the first who ordered his Nobility to wear gold rings on their fingers.

48. Cas Cedchaingnigh: his son. This Cas was a learned man; he revised the study of the laws, poetry, and other laudable sciences (which were) much eclipsed and little practised since the death of Amergin Glungheal, one of the sons of Milesius, who was their Druid or Archpriest, and who was slain in battle by his brother Heremon soon after their brother Heber's death.

49. Failbhe Iolcorach: his son; was the first who ordained that stone walls should be built as boundaries between the neighbours' lands.

50. Ronnach: his son.

51. Rotheachta: his son; was the 35th Monarch.

52. Eiliomh Ollfhionach: his son.

53. Art Imleach: his son; the 38th Monarch.

54. Breas Rioghacta: his son; the 40th Monarch.

55. Seidnae Innaridh: his son; was the 43rd Monarch; and the first who, in Ireland, enlisted his soldiers in pay and under good discipline. Before his time, they had no other pay than what they could gain from their enemies.

56. Duach Fionn: his son; died B.C. 893.

57. Eanna Dearg: his son; was the 47th Monarch. In the twelfth year of his reign he died suddenly, with most of his retinue, adoring their false gods at Sliabh Mis, B.C. 880 years.

58. Lughaidh Iardhonn: his son.

59. Eochaidh (2): his son.

60. Lughaidh: his son; died B.C. 831.

61. Art (2): his son; was the 54th Monarch; and was slain by his successor in the Monarchy, who was uncle to the former Monarch.

62. Olioll Fionn: his son.

63. Eochaidh (3): his son.

64. Lughaidh Lagha: his son; died B.C. 730.

65. Reacht Righ-dearg: his son; was the 65th Monarch; and was called "Righ-dearg" or the red king, for having a hand in a woman's blood: having slain queen Macha of the line of Ir, and (see No. 64, on the "Roll of the Monarchs," page 60), the only woman that held the Monarchy of Ireland. He was a warlike Prince and fortunate in his undertakings. He went into Scotland with a powerful army to reduce to obedience the Pictish nation, then growing refractory in the payment of their yearly tribute to the Monarchs of Ireland; which having performed, he returned, and, after twenty years' reign, was slain in battle by his Heremonian successor, B.C. 633.

66. Cobthach Caomh: son of Reacht Righ-dearg.

67. Moghcorb: his son.

68. Fearcorb: his son.

69. Adhamhra Foltcain: his son; died, B.C. 412.

70. Niadhsedhaman: his son; was the 83rd Monarch. In his time the wild deer were, through the sorcery and witchcraft of his mother, usually driven home with the cows, and tamely suffered themselves to be milked every day.

71. Ionadmaor: his son; was the 87th Monarch.

72. Lughaidh Luaighne: his son; the 89th Monarch.

73. Cairbre Lusgleathan: his son.

74. Duach Dalladh Deadha: his son; was the 91st Monarch, and (except Crimthann, the 125th Monarch, was) the last of thirty-three Monarchs of the line of Heber that ruled the Kingdom; and but one more of them came to the Monarchy - namely, Brian Boroimhe, the thirty-first generation down from this Duach, who pulled out his younger brother Deadha's eyes (hence the epithet Dalladh, "blindness," applied to Deadha) for daring to come between him and the throne.

75. Eochaidh Garbh: his son.

76. Muireadach Muchna: his son.

77. Mofebhis: his wife. [In the ancient Irish Regal Roll the name of Mofebhis is by mistake entered after that of her husband, instead of the name of their son, Loich Mór; and, sooner than disturb the register numbers of the succeeding names, O'Clery thought best to let the name of Mofebhis remain on the Roll, but to point out the inaccuracy.]

78. Loich Mor: son of Muireadach and Mofebhis.

79. Eanna Muncain: his son.

80. Dearg Theine: his son. This Dearg had a competitor in the Kingdom of Munster, named Darin, of the sept of Lugaidh, son of Ithe, the first (Milesian) discoverer of Ireland; between whom it was agreed that their posterity should reign by turns, and when (one of) either of the septs was King, (one of) the other should govern in the civil affairs of the Kingdom; which agreement continued so, alternately, for some generations.

81. Dearg (2): son of Dearg Theine.

82. Magha Neid: his son.

83. Eoghan Mor [Owen Mor], or Eugene the Great: his son. This Eugene was commonly called "Mogha Nuadhad," and was a wise and politic prince and great warrior. From him Magh-Nuadhad (now "Maynooth") is so called; where a great battle was fought between him and Conn of the Hundred Battles, the 110th Monarch of Ireland, A.D. 122, with whom he was in continual wars, until at last, after many bloody battles, he forced him to divide the kingdom with him in two equal parts by the boundary of Esker Riada - a long ridge of Hills from Dublin to Galway; determining the south part to himself, which he called after his own name Leath Mogha or Mogha's Half (of Ireland), as the north part was called Leath Cuinn or Conn's Half; and requiring Conn to give his daughter Sadhbh (or Sabina) in marriage to his eldest son Olioll Olum. Beara, daughter of Heber, the great King of Castile (in Spain), was his wife, and the mother of Olioll Olum and of two daughters (who were named respectively), Caomheall and Scothniamh; after all, he was slain in Battle by the said Conn of the Hundred Battles.

84. Olioll Olum: son of Eoghan Mor; was the first of this line named in the Regal Roll to be king of both Munsters; for, before him, there were two septs that were alternately kings of Munster, until this Olioll married Sabina, daughter of the Monarch Conn of the Hundred Battles, and widow of Mac Niadh, chief of the other sept of Darin, descended from Ithe, and by whom she had one son named Lughaidh, commonly called "Luy Maccon;" who, when he came to man's age, demanded from Olioll, his stepfather, the benefit of the agreement formerly made between their ancestors; which Olioll not only refused to grant, but he also banished Maccon out of Ireland; who retired into Scotland, where, among his many friends and relations, he soon collected a strong party, returned with them to Ireland, and with the help and assistance of the rest of his sept who joined with them, he made war upon Olioll; to whose assistance his (Olioll's) brother-in-law, Art-Ean-Fhear, then Monarch of Ireland, came with a good army; between whom and Maccon was fought the great and memorable battle of Magh Mucromha (or Muckrove), near Athenry, where the Monarch Art, together with seven of Olioll's nine sons, by Sabina, lost their lives, and their army was totally defeated and routed. By this great victory Maccon not only recovered his right to the Kingdom of Munster, but the Monarchy also, wherein he maintained himself for thirty years; leaving the Kingdom of Munster to his stepfather Olioll Olum, undisturbed. After the battle, Olioll, having but two sons left alive, namely Cormac-Cas and Cian, and being very old, settled his kingdom upon Cormac, the elder son of the two, and his posterity; but soon after being informed that Owen Mór, his eldest son (who was slain in the battle of Magh Mucromha, above mentioned), had by a Druid's daughter issue, named Feach (Fiacha Maolleathan as he was called), born after his father's death, Olioll ordained that Cormac should be king during his life, and Feach to succeed him, and after him Cormac's son, and their posterity to continue so by turns; which (arrangement) was observed between them for many generations, sometimes dividing the kingdom between them, by the name of South, or North Munster, or Desmond, and Thomond. From these three sons of Olioll Olum are descended the Hiberian nobility and gentry of Munster and other parts of Ireland; viz., from Owen Mór are descended M`Carthy, O'Sullivan, O'Keeffe, and the rest of the ancient nobility of Desmond; from Cormac-Cas are descended O'Brien, MacMahon, O'Kennedy, and the rest of the nobility and gentry of Thomond; and from Cian [Kian] are descended O'Carroll (of Ely-O'Carroll), O'Meagher, O'Hara, O'Gara, etc.

85. Cormac Cas: second son of Olioll Olum, King of Munster, by his wife Sabh or Sabina, daughter of Conn of the Hundred Battles, and relict of MacNiadh; he was one of the most distinguished champions of his time, and "remarkable for strength of body, dexterity, and courage." He defeated the Lagenians (or Leinster men) in the battle of Iorras Damhsa, Carmen (or Wexford), Liamhan (or Dunlaven), Tara, Teltown, and Samhna Hill; and the Conacians in the famous battle of Cruachan, in the county Roscommon. Cormac d. at Dun-tri-Liag, (or the Fort of the Stone Slabs), now "Duntrileague," in the county Limerick, of wounds received in the battle of Samhna Hill from the spear of Eochy of the Red Eye-brows, King of Leinster. He was married to Samer, daughter of Fionn MacCumhal (Fionn MacCoole), and sister of the poet Oisin, by whom he left, with other children:

86. Mogha Corb (or Mogha of the Chariots), who was b. A.D. 167, and attained a very old age. This Prince, who became King of Munster, which he governed for the space of twenty years, fought the memorable battle of Gabhra or Garristown, near Dublin, against the Monarch Cairbre Liffechar, A.D. 284.

87. Fear Corb: his son; b. 198; governed Munster for seven years; fought the battles of Tlachtga and Teltown against the Lagenians, in the latter of which he slew Tinne the son of Triun, a distinguished warrior; and defeated the Conacians in the battles of Ceara, Corann, and Rathcruaghan, with great slaughter.

88. Æneas Tireach: his son; b. 232; was distinguished for his patriotism and courage, particularly in the battle of Cliodhna, near Clonakilty; and was remarkable for the strictness of his laws, as well as for his impartial judgments.

89. Lughaidh Meann: his son; b. 286; dispossessed the Firbolgs of the tract now known as the county Clare (which had in his time formed part of Connaught), and attached it to Munster.

90. Conall Each-luath ("each:" Irish, Lat. "eq-uus," Gr. "ik-kos" a horse; "luath:" Irish, agile, Welsh "lludw," nimble), or Conall of The Swift Steeds: his son; b. 312. Had two sons - 1. Cas; 2. Eana Arighthach.

91. Cas: the elder son; a quo the Dal Cais or "Dalcassians;" b. 347. Had twelve sons: - 1. Blad, 2. Caisin, 3. Lughaidh, 4. Seana, 5. Aengus Cinathrach, 6. Carthann Fionn, 7. Cainioch, 8. Aengus Cinaithin, 9. Aodh, 10. Nae, 11. Loisgeann, and 12. Dealbheath.

92. Blad ("bladair:" Irish, to coax; Lat. "blater-o," to flatter): the eldest son of Cas; a quo O'Bladair, anglicised Blair, Flattery, and Blood (of Munster); b. 388; left four sons: - 1. Carthann Fionn Oge Mór; 2. Carthann Dubh; 3. Eochaidh; 4. Brennan Ban, ancestor of O'Brennan (of Thomond), Glinn, Glynn, Maglin, Magan, Muldowney (now "Downey" ), O'Hurley, etc.

93. Carthann Fionn Oge Mór: eldest son of Blad. Had two sons: 1. Eochaidh Ball-dearg; 2. Aongus, who was the progenitor of O'Curry, O'Cormacan, O'Seasnain, etc.

92. Casin: son of Cas. His son Carthann was ancestor of MacNamara and had three brothers - 1. Eocha, who was ancestor of O'Grady etc.; 2. Sineall, ancestor of Durkin, of Munster; and 3. Cormac, ancestor of Clann-Eocha.

93. Eocha: son of Caisin.

94. Breannan: his son.

95. Finan: his son.

96. Foranan: his son.

97. Tiobraid: his son.

98. Dungal: his son; a quo Cineal Donghaile.

99. Fodalbha: his son.

100. Rodgus: his son.

101. Flaithreach: his son.

102. Seachnadhseach: his son.

103. Cormac: his son.

104. Collachtach: his son.

105. Conn: his son.

106. Conn Oge: his son.

107. Art: his son.

108. Treassach: his son; had a brother named Artagan (meaning "little Art,") a quo O'h-Artagain, which has been anglicised Hartigan and Hartan.

109. Gradach (also called Bradach): his son; a quo O'Gradaigh.

110. Maolmaith: his son.

111. Edrocht: his son.

112. Mortach: his son.

113. Aneisleis: his son.

114. Moroch: his son.

115. Dermod: his son.

116. Ceanfaola: his son.

117. Moroch (2): his son.

118. Dermod (2): his son.

119. Moroch (3): his son.

120. John O'Grady, alias O'Brady: his son; died, 1332. Had a brother named Donal (see pedigree of O'Grady Of Kilballyowen below)

121. John: his son; d., 1372.

122. John: his son; d., 1417.

123. John O'Grady, alias O'Brady, of Fassaghmore, county Clare: his son.

124. Sir Denis, of Fassaghmore: his son. Sir Denis O'Grady, alias O'Brady, had a grant from King Henry the Eighth, by Patent, in 1543, of Tomgrany, Finnagh, Kilbechullybeg, Kilbechullymor, Seanboy, Cronayn, Killokennedy, Clony, Killchomurryn, Enochem, Tarchayne, and Killula, in the county Clare; he died in 1569. This Sir Denis had four sons-1. Edmond, who died without issue, in 1576; 2. Donal, who also died without issue; 3. John, who surrendered his estates to Queen Elizabeth, and had a regrant by Patent, in 1582; and 4. Hugh, to whom his brother John conveyed Tomgrany and other lands.

125. Most Rev. Hugh Brady, lord bishop of Meath: son of Sir Denis. This Hugh was the first of the family who omitted the sirname of "O'Grady; "his descendants have since called themselves Brady.

126. Luke: his son; died, 1621; had two brothers-1. Nicholas, and 2. Gerald.

127. Luke Brady, of Tomgrany: son of Luke; alienated Scariff by license, in 1634.

O'GRADY Of Kilballyowen

120. Donal, a brother of John, who is No. 120 above; slain in 1309.

121. Hugh: his son; acquired the lands of Kilballyowen when, in 1309, he married the daughter of the chief of the O Kerwick or Kirby clan.

122. William: his son.

123. Donal: his son.

124. Gilla-Duff: his son.

125. Mathew: his son.

126. Donogh: his son.

127. Dermod: his son.

128. Thomas: his son.

129. John: his son.

130. Thomas: his son.

131. John: his son; married in 1771 Mary-Eliza De Courcy.

132. Gerald: his son; married Eliza Waller.

133. Gerald de Courcy O'Grady, Esq., J.P., of Killballyowen, co. Limerick: his son; commonly called THE O'GRADY, living in 1865; married Anne Wise, and had:

134. William de Courcy, who had:

135. Thomas de Courcy O'Grady: living in 1887.