NDP: Canada to show leadership on climate change with Tom Mulcair | Unpublished

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NDP: Canada to show leadership on climate change with Tom Mulcair

September 27, 2015

Mulcair plan sets meaningful targets and will make polluters pay.

The NDP released their climate change Sunday. (Authorized by UnpublishedOttawa.com)

NDP Leader Tom Mulcair today announced his plan to restore Canada’s environmental credibility at home and around the world by putting a price on carbon, making polluters pay and taking meaningful steps to reduce carbon emissions.

“Under Stephen Harper, Canada’s climate record has lacked leadership and been criticized by the United Nations for falling behind many other countries.” said Mulcair. “An NDP government is going to work with provinces and territories to develop a pan-Canadian cap-and-trade system that sets concrete emissions limits for Canada’s big polluters, which will have a significant positive impact on climate change.”

The NDP plan will recognize efforts already underway in provinces like British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec, and will allow jurisdictions to opt out if their own carbon pricing plans meet or exceed federal objectives. A Mulcair government will also re-introduce Jack Layton’s Climate Change Accountability Act to make certain that Canada meets its long-term target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

NDP climate change initiatives will be undertaken in collaboration with provinces, territories municipalities and indigenous governments. Carbon pricing revenues will be returned to the provinces so that they can be reinvested into greenhouse gas reduction efforts.

“For decades, Conservatives and Liberals have promised and failed to reduce Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions and even joined together to defeat Jack Layton’s Climate Change Accountability Act,” said Mulcair. “My record as Quebec’s Environment Minister means Canadians and the international community will be able to count on Canada’s NDP government to make polluters pay and do our part on climate change.”

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and making polluters pay for the pollution they produce are part of the NDP’s plan to grow the economy while protecting the environment. This is why more and more Canadians are looking to Tom Mulcair and the NDP to bring positive change to Ottawa.