More mismanagement and waste in City Manager's office | Unpublished

Unpublished Opinions

Earle Rheaume's picture
Ottawa, Ontario
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Looking back over 81 years I had the good fortune to have had a wonderful mom, a great wife and family, a successful career in business and excellent health. Sure there were ups and downs but they were too few to mention. Retirement for me means giving back some of that good fortune and I have chosen to advocate for those citizens who for reasons of their own cannot or will not fight for themselves. They include the old, sick poor, disabled and homeless.

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More mismanagement and waste in City Manager's office

October 21, 2013

Dear Ottawa residents,

I discovered three additional examples of mismanagement and waste by City Manager Kent Kirkpatrick’s office:

1. The City's purchasing department used a 'single source' purchase of sand bags with a local firm. I pointed out that they could have saved 50% had they had sent out for quotes. So what if the taxpayer could save $5,000 of our hard earned tax dollars?

2. Public Works had students scraping and painting an iron picket fence for over five weeks. Work has stopped until next summer. Their work has been another waste of taxpayers’ hard earned cash because apparently the fence was so badly rusted that it needed to be sandblasted and then repainted by professionals. Whatever happened to sending out for professional quotes? The professional job would last between 10 and 15 years.

3. A backyard water drainage problem has been ongoing over the past few years. Supervisors and managers have unfortunately not been able to solve this one. I brought this to the attention of the $200,000 a year General Manager. He was just going on holidays but assured me that he would personally settle this matter when he returned.

That was six weeks ago...

Earle Rheaume