It's time for AI in Ottawa City management | Unpublished

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Ottawa, Ontario
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Former candidate for Rideau-Rockcliffe
Professional project manager

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It's time for AI in Ottawa City management

December 9, 2023
Can AI run government better than humans?

Councillors appear overwhelmed

No mere mortal city councillor is up to the challenge of absorbing every brief nor every delegation. Nor can they sit through every mind numbing meeting. Lately we have seen how councillors are crushed by the weight of material. And, the result? Bad decisions are made. They need help.

Fortunately help is available. The time has come to introduce artificial intelligence into the management of the city’s $6 billion budget. An AI replete with programmed morals, values, ethics and all the source data can help make decisions at light speed, free of bias or fatigue.

You think this is impossible? It was actually done in Chile 50 years ago! The system architect was British operations research scientist Stafford Beer called Project Cybersyn, (1971 to 1973) Salvador Allende implemented it as a decision support system aiding in the management of the economy. THIS WAS LONG BEFORE GPT CHATBOT.

After the CIA orchestrated military coup on September 11, 1973, the project was abandoned, and the operations room was destroyed. Allende was assassinated. However, while operational, information from the field would be fed into MODELS. Managers could see relevant economic data, formulate feasible responses to emergencies, and transmit advice and directives to enterprises and factories.

The idea is to use AI to augment not substitute decisions, free of management or political bias and based on truth, justice and the Canadian way. No decision would be made without the recommendation from the city's AI advisor. 


December 10, 2023