Is saving Mary Ballantyne's children's aid society really worth the lives of anymore children in care? | Unpublished

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Smiths Falls, Ontario
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Advocates for family preservation against unwarranted intervention by government funded non profit agencies.

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Is saving Mary Ballantyne's children's aid society really worth the lives of anymore children in care?

October 13, 2017

276 recommendations and 2 inquests later MARY BALLANTYNE, CEO/OACAS says "Don’t ‘blow up’ Ontario’s child welfare system."

Those who call for the overhaul of Ontario's children's aid societies fail to understand the many ways in which our system excels.


Do we really because it seems to me nothing has change since the Butterbox Babies.

Between 2008/2012 death by natural causes was listed by the PDRC as the least likely way  for a child in  Ontario's care to have died, being 7% of the total deaths reviewed while "undetermined cause" was listed as the leading cause of death at 43% of the total deaths that were reviewed by what is nothing more than a review of the paperwork submitted by the children's aid society. Did they cross their t's and dot their i's on all their lies?

Why didn't 92 mystery deaths of children in Ontario's care launch 92 inquests between 2008/12 considering - as mystery deaths there's no way of knowing if those deaths could have been prevented or avoided or how many of those deaths by the end of the PDRC process were like Jeffrey Baldwin's death or Katelynn Sampson's. 

Mary Ballantyne CEO of OACAS holds a seat on the independent PDRC with her Masters in Human Industrial Relations (wait a minute) if the PRDC isn't independent of the children's aid society, what is it independent of? A conscience?

Remember 92 children equals 43% of the deaths reviewed by the PDRC.

MAY 16, 2017. Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies is the last to add its voice to a list of organizations calling for another coroner’s inquest into the deaths of youths in the child welfare system and why wouldn't they? The worst thing that's going to happen to the society is another slap on the hand..

The inquest into Jeffrey Baldwin's death was supposed to shed light on the child welfare system and prevent more needless child deaths. Baldwin's inquest jury made 103 recommendations. Sep 06, 2013

Nearly six months after the inquest into the death of Katelynn Sampson began, jurors delivered another 173 recommendations. APRIL 29, 2016

If implemented and implemented correctly those recommendations would have should have completely overhauled the province's child welfare system so at this point does anyone still believe another inquest and more recommendations are going to change anything or save any lives?

Despite being one of 276 recommendations to come out of two most recent inquests into the deaths of children in Ontario's care the ministry is not contemplating amalgamation, said MacCharles, and is instead choosing to focus on a shared services approach.

Between 2014\15 the Ontario children's aid society claim to have spent $467.9 million dollars providing protective services that doesn't seem to extent to the 90 to 120 children that die in Ontario's care every year.

In a National Post feature article in June 2009, Kevin Libin portrayed an industry in which abuses are all too common. One source, a professor of social work, claims that a shocking 15%-20% of children under CAS oversight suffer injury or neglect. Several CAS insiders whom Libin interviewed regard the situation as systemically hopeless. A clinical psychologist with decades of experience advocating for children said, “I would love to just demolish the system and start from scratch again.”