hey Ottawa, would saying "sorry" help? | Unpublished

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Renfrew, Ontario
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Sometimes I tweet for the South March Highlands / Carp River Coalition @SouthMarch

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hey Ottawa, would saying "sorry" help?

May 3, 2013

Elton John: "It's sad, so sad
Why can't we talk it over
Always seems to me
That sorry seems to be the hardest word"

That's exactly what JC Penny said this week to its angry customers. http://www.businessinsider.com/jcpenney-had-a-huge-social-media-apology-...

It's not just words. They're acting on it with a huge social media campaign tagged #JCPListens. And they have brought brands back that customers wanted based on the campaign.

Not so with #OTTListens. (don't think that exists)

There's been an abundance of screw-ups from our #OTTcity politicians. Has Jim Watson ever apologized for a city gaffe? I won't list the blunders here because most of you are tired of hearing about them.

Jim's connections with the community seems so superficial - ribbons, bingo, envelope openings.

Where's the humility Jim? Why not own up to substantial issues?