Life in the shadows: Inside the world of Toronto’s undocumented migrants | Unpublished
Source Feed: The Globe and Mail
Author: Sarah Efron, Photography by Yader Guzman
Publication Date: March 10, 2025 - 08:00

Life in the shadows: Inside the world of Toronto’s undocumented migrants

March 10, 2025
Every morning across the Greater Toronto Area, thousands of undocumented workers head out to their jobs in construction, cleaning and home care, despite the fact that they are not legally allowed to live or work in Canada.Unlike in the U.S., where many undocumented people entered without authorization at the southern border, most of these individuals in Canada entered the country legally. They came as temporary workers, international students, tourists or refugee claimants, and saw their visas expire or refugee claims rejected before they were able to transition to another type of legal status.

Unpublished Newswire

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