Throne Speech Analysis
Long on promises and short on details. The Throne Speech makes promises but will it see the light of day?
The Covid 19 pandemic took centre stage along with promises of lots of spending. Extensions of programs and an overhaul of Employment Insurance to help those in the contract and gig economy.
With the support of the NDP to get it off its feet, can the rest of the Liberal’s agenda survive in the house of commons? We want to know how long you think the Liberal's agenda will last in the House of Commons? Head over to Unpublished.Vote to cast your vote!

Our Unpublished vote poll question...
How long will the Liberal Party's new agenda last in the House of Commons?
The results so far:
3 months = 30.8%
6 months = 15.4%
9 months = 30.8%
12 months = 7.7%
More than 12 Months = 7.7%
Undecided = 7.7%
If you haven’t voted yet, you can do so — VOTE HERE
Senior Economist