The Secret NDP Job Killing Tax Hike They Didn’t Want You to Know About | Unpublished

Unpublished Opinions

Ontario Liberal Party's picture
Toronto, Ontario
About the author

Ontario Liberals have a long tradition of working to improve the lives of all Ontarians, from the party's pre-Confederation roots as a force for equality and democracy, to the Wynne Liberals of today.

The Ontario Liberal Party has its roots in the Reform Party of William Lyon Mackenzie and Robert Baldwin, who fought for real democracy in the 1830s and 1840s against the elitist, conservative rule of the Family Compact.

The party as we know it today was founded by George Brown - owner of the Toronto Globe and a key figure in uniting Upper and Lower Canada.

Today we continue on in the best tradition of the early party – whether investing in public health care to make wait times in Ontario the shortest in Canada, introducing the first full-day kindergarten to help both parents and students, or helping to make Ontario a North American leader in clean technology – attracting more, higher paying jobs for Ontario families.

The words of Liberal Prime Minister Sir Wilfred Laurier a century ago ring true for Ontario Liberals today: “I am a liberal. I am one of those who think that everywhere in human beings, there are abuses to be reformed, new horizons to be opened up, and new forces to be developed.”

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The Secret NDP Job Killing Tax Hike They Didn’t Want You to Know About

May 31, 2018

Ottawa businesses face almost 30% business tax increase

OTTAWA—Tucked away in the fine print of the NDP platform is a plan to raise business property taxes by more than $1 billion. In Ottawa businesses are staring down a tax increase of 29% that will be levied whether they are profitable or not.

“This NDP tax hike will make it harder for any Ontario business that owns property to grow, hire or even survive” said Ontario Liberal Candidate Bob Chiarelli. “They like to talk about their corporate tax increases but when it comes to the burden they plan to place on Ottawa’s small business it is silence.”

A $1 million property owes $10,800 in property taxes annually. This NDP job killing tax hike would represent a $3100 increase, regardless of if the business is profitable, struggling or operating in an economically-disadvantaged community.

The Business Education Property Tax is a patchwork of rates frozen since Mike Harris took education taxing powers from school boards. Liberals invested $200 million annually to reduce the highest business property tax rates. (Source: Ontario Budget 2012.)

“None of this money would go to schools. Not one dollar more for education in the NDP platform,” continued Bob Chiarelli. “Under the NDP, business property taxes will go up, small business will feel the pressure and jobs will be at risk. Under the Liberals, they go down.”



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