No Electoral Reform | Unpublished

Unpublished Opinions

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Ottawa, Ontario
About the author

Edward (Ted) Farnworth is a retired scientist who worked for the federal department of Agriculture. He enjoys writing, has a website Medicinal Food News that helps consumers understand the ever changing field of food, nutrition and health. He has published his first e-book "Peers and Tears," is enjoying travelling since retiring and keeps busy sailing, cross country skiing and gardening. Too often he finds himself yelling at things he hears on the radio about the state of our country.

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No Electoral Reform

February 2, 2017

The Federal government has gone back on the promise to change the way we elect MPs.

Disappointed, let down, betrayed. I’m not sure which best expresses my reaction to the news that our Liberal government has dropped the idea of changing the system for electing members of parliament.

So, the “first past the post” system lives on. No-one said it was going to be easy, but when campaign promises led to a Liberal majority, I, like many others, believed it was going to happen. Canadians had high hopes and expectations.

Not fulfilling campaign promises is not the way to create confidence and trust. I promise to keep watching to see how many changes to issues/policies talked about in the campaign become law. A promise I will keep.