Source Feed: The Globe and Mail
Author: Lindsay Jones, Photography by Steve Wadden
Publication Date: March 25, 2025 - 20:23
As voting, tariffs and lobster season collide, political change could come ashore in this Northern Nova Scotia town
March 25, 2025
The Globe is visiting communities across the country to hear from Canadians about the issues that are affecting their lives, their futures and their votes in this federal election.Sitting in the front window of the Fleur-de-Lis diner at lunchtime on a sunny weekday, Wade and Ronelda Aylward are worried. The spring lobster fishery is poised to start soon on the west coast of Cape Breton and Mr. Aylward is counting on the seasonal work transporting live lobsters to a holding pound for a company that then trucks the shellfish south to Boston.
Alberta’s government is looking to regulate private online gambling websites and apps in a move it says will capture lost revenue and protect bettors.If passed, new legislation tabled Wednesday by Service Alberta Minister Dale Nally would see the province create a new Crown corporation to set rules for online casinos and safeguards for users.Nally told reporters that what those rules and safeguards will be still needs to be determined, but the government’s goal isn’t to make online gambling more accessible.
March 26, 2025 - 21:10 | Jack Farrell | The Globe and Mail
Filip Grkovski's lawyer argues he and his client had the right to know what the Crown's theories or routes to conviction were, prior to his client taking the witness box Tuesday.
March 26, 2025 - 20:16 | Catherine McDonald | Global News - Ottawa
The partner of a victim in Monday’s avalanche that killed three snow sport veterans in British Columbia’s Purcell Mountains says she tried to dig him out and revive him after arriving on the scene.Whistler-based professional snowboarder and filmmaker Leanne Pelosi says on social media that it’s “absolutely beyond devastating” to share news of Jeff Keenan’s death.Keenan, who was also a pro snowboarder and had a young son with Pelosi, was among a group of heli-skiers swept away by the avalanche in southeast B.C.
March 26, 2025 - 20:10 | | The Globe and Mail
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