OCDSB looking to cut 150 full-time jobs | Unpublished
Source Feed: CBC News - Ottawa
Publication Date: March 18, 2025 - 17:00

OCDSB looking to cut 150 full-time jobs

March 18, 2025
Ottawa's largest school board plans to cut staffing by 150 full-time positions by the next school year as it faces both a drop in kindergarten enrolment and a projected $20-million budget shortfall. 

Unpublished Newswire

Eric Nicholl said that the automaker was provided multiple opportunities to voluntarily withdraw but it appears the organization did not do that.
March 18, 2025 - 19:47 | Amy Judd | Global News - Canada
The Forest Practices Board says the British Columbia government “did not follow the law” when it approved range use plans near the Halfway River First Nation’s watershed and at its culturally significant sites.The nation complained to the board in 2023 about grazing livestock being allowed to damage the sites, while displacing wildlife in its territory in northeastern B.C.The board says in a statement that it also found problems with the government investigation of the nation’s complaint about its drinking water being safe, and it urged B.C.’s Natural Resource Officer Service to review...
March 18, 2025 - 19:38 | | The Globe and Mail
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March 18, 2025 - 19:29 | | The Globe and Mail